NYC Benchmarking updates:
LL84 (2009) deadline approaching
Earlier this year, we reported that due to a glitch in data provided by utilities, New York City pushed back the deadline for LL84 (2009) benchmarking data filing for 2017 from May 1 to December 31, 2018. That deadline for compliance is now approaching. Large buildings over 50,000 square feet must measure and report water and energy consumption by the end of this year.
LL133 (2016)
For smaller buildings (between 25,000 to 50,000 square feet), the deadline for 2017 filings under LL133 (2016) is Feb. 1, 2019. However, after this year, all buildings over 25,000 square feet will need to comply by May 1st, each year.
LL33 (2018)
Starting in 2020, Local Law 33 (2018) will require owners of all buildings over 25,000 square feet to post their energy grade at public entrances. Grades will range from A-F and will be based on your benchmarking score, and therefore, it is critical to properly report usage. Now’s the time to make simple heating, air sealing and lighting upgrades that can boost your grade, improve building performance, lower operating costs, and enhance tenant comfort.
LL87 (2009 – Energy Audits and Retro-Commissioning) filings will require the use of new data input tools from the U.S. Department of Energy as of Jan 1, 2019. Internal preparation for the required data submittals will benefit from review of the most accurate available SEPs (Statements of Energy Performance) generated by Portfolio Manager before August 26, 2018. Please see our alert about ENERGY STAR amendments. In NYC, these SEPs will have been linked to data submitted to the City and ENERGY STAR under LL84 (2009).
Note that no SEPs will temporarily be reviewed (as of late November) as part of certain Energy Star Label applications. That process will be temporarily suspended while the revised scoring algorithm is tested for commercial and other building classes. See more updates here.
We’re also keeping an eye on new emissions and efficiency mandates around the U.S. such as the move by California to mandate solar panels on almost all new homes.
See below for links to more information, or give us a call to learn more.
Great Forest has been recognized as a leader in benchmarking accuracy by the NYC Mayor’s office of Sustainability. Our low-cost services cover all types of operating systems and reflect a thorough knowledge of carbon accounting and utility rates. Benchmarking is provided at NO CHARGE for clients engaging our budget or sustainability advisory services. Contact
(Photo by NASA on Unsplash)