Earth Day: The “National Teach-In” Continues (Photos)


Launched in 1970 as a “national teach-in on the environment,” Earth Day has done much to raise awareness over the years. While we are all better informed today about waste reduction, climate change, and other sustainability challenges, we still have work to do to reach a more sustainable future.  Earth Day is our yearly reminder of that responsibility.

Each year, Great Forest organizes numerous events across the country to educate, inform, and continue the crucial “teach in.”  We work with businesses and organizations to customize events that engage employees, building tenants, and other stakeholders. These events are a great opportunity for companies to:

  • share their accomplishments in waste reduction and other corporate social responsibility goals,
  • raise awareness about their sustainability programs and leadership in the field,
  • and show appreciation to everyone for helping reach sustainability goals. After all, it is a team effort.

Over the years, our events have included recycling games, e-waste drives, and even the creation of attention-grabbing “recycling” displays, like our very own bird sculpture and cardboard box tower (see below).

OCC Transformer

Below is a visual roundup of some of our Earth Day teach-ins.  Need more ideas for Earth Day?

First Potomac

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