The Power of Waste Sorting: How This Low-Tech Solution is Winning

Great Forest Waste sorting in practice
Waste sorting in practice: A trained sorter separating materials into compost and recycling.

Did you know… you can increase your waste diversion rate by 15 to 35 percent through waste sorting? Usually overlooked, sorting is a hands-on, low-tech process that can produce fast results at a fraction of the cost of more complex solutions.

Simply put, sorting ensures that recyclable and compostable materials are pulled out of the trash and not sent to landfills, and that recycling streams are not contaminated. Effective sorting can be the game-changer for businesses aiming to bring their diversion rate up to meet sustainability and Zero Waste goals. Here are three things you need to know about the power of sorting:­

1) Waste Sorting can Make an Immediate Impact

A comprehensive sorting program can be designed, implemented, and start to show results in just one month. We achieved this for a global financial tech company based in the Midwest. Our sorting program helped them reduce landfill waste by 43 percent and boost composting by 142 percent immediately. Another client, a hotel on the West coast, increased their diversion rate from 61 to 81 percent soon after their program launched.

2) Sorting can Save Money

Sorting doesn’t just reduce waste; it saves money too. In San Francisco, one hotel reduced their waste hauling costs by $4000 a month after a sorting program increased their diversion rate to 92 percent. The Midwest global financial tech company mentioned above recovered $750 worth of reusable items over the first three months. The long-term savings from reducing landfill tipping fees and recycling more materials have been continuing to add up for them.

3) Sorting is About People Power

A successful sorting program relies on educating and training a team of sorters. It’s people power! This includes recruiting reliable sorters, using classroom instruction, demonstrating sorting techniques, conducing hands-on training sessions with feedback loops to correct mistakes, and ensuring that sorters have the equipment (sorting tables, chairs, PPE), reference materials (signage, checklists), and the proper space to do their jobs.

Are you ready to explore the power of sorting? Great Forest’s deep experience in waste sorting program development has helped many businesses reduce waste to landfill quickly. Read this full case study, or give us a call.

Great Forest waste sorting training in session.
A Great Forest sorting training session in progress.

Learn more: Read the Sorting Case Study

Case Study: Waste Sorting Significantly Reduces Waste to Landfill In Just One Month

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