We’re glad to announce the return of the HANYC Sustainability Awards with a new venue and date. This year, winners of the…
NYC hotels are being fined.  Now help is on its way. Join us for the upcoming HANYC Waste Management Seminar on June…
Congratulations! Winners of the 2016 HANYC Sustainability Awards were revealed in New York City on November 14, 2016 during HX: The Hotel…
The search is on again. Apply now for the 2016 HANYC Sustainability Awards from the Hotel Association of NYC. The HANYC awards identify…
Congratulations! Seven New York City hotels were honored for their environmentally friendly lodging practices and socially responsible initiatives as recipients of the…
A Conversation With The Waldorf Astoria On Sustainability The Waldorf Astoria was one of three winners of the inaugural 2014 HANYC Sustainability…
Calling all NYC hotels.  Now it is your turn to join the carbon challenge. Started in 2007, the NYC Carbon Challenge is…
A Conversation With The Carlton Hotel On Sustainability The Carlton hotel was one of three winners of the 2014 HANYC Sustainability Awards. What have…
The search is on again. We encourage all eligible hotels to check for details and apply for the 2015 HANYC Sustainability Awards from the Hotel Association of New York…
Last year, Great Forest worked with the Hotel Association of New York City (HANYC) to develop and launch the very first HANYC…
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