Q: How do I make sure tenants and employees recycle properly?
A: No matter what type of recycling program you have set up, education is the key to its success. Lack of awareness is one of the major reasons why people don’t recycle.
Here are a few ways to increase awareness:
* Post Signage – Make sure all central bins are clearly labeled. Use signage that clearly indicates which specific types of materials should be placed in the allocated bins.
* Remind and Reinforce – Place recycling information in common areas such as copy rooms and pantries to remind people and reinforce proper procedures.
* Inform – Hold meetings or education sessions with department heads, tenant representatives and other key personnel to review the recycling program. Provide them with information to distribute to all employees. If a new tenant or employee comes into the building, an overview of the recycling program should be part of their orientation.
*Feedback – Encourage tenants and employees to notify you – or the building’s Great Forest representative – with any questions about the recycling program to ensure high satisfaction levels with the program.
Great Forest can work with your building to create recycling education materials specific to your recycling program, or host recycling information sessions.