Q&A: Can you tell me some quick fixes to green restrooms?

Q: Can you tell me some quick fixes to green restrooms?

A: There are many easy improvements that can be made in restrooms that not only can help lower operation costs but also have big benefit for the environmental footprint of your building.

The cheapest and easiest solution for reducing water waste is the installation of an aerator for faucets.

Some other ideas: replacing (or newly outfitting) waterless urinals in place of standard flush urinals. Each waterless urinal in a typical office environment can reduce water usage up to 45,000 gallons a year, which in turn reduces water costs and sanitation.

Another easy improvement is automatic or no touch faucets. These faucets help decrease the spread of germs, can reduce water waste up to 70% and again can help lower water and sanitation costs.

Remember, retrofits or improvements do not have to be complex or costly.

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