Plastic Bag Bans, Facts and More

Plastic Bag Bans

Starting March 1, 2020, New York State’s ban on single-use plastic bags goes into effect. To date, eight states have such a ban. New York joins California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Maine, Oregon and Vermont.

In addition to state level bans, cities such as Boston, MA; Chicago, IL; Seattle, WA; Boulder, CO; Portland, ME; as well as Montgomery County, MD and Washington, D.C. have plastic bag bans and/or fees.

With increasing public demand for action on plastic pollution, other states and cities might follow suit with similar legislation. Businesses should take note and prepare.

Plastic Bag Facts

See this analysis of the impact of single-use plastic bags to learn more.

Are Plastic Bags Recyclable?

Plastic bags and films are recyclable, but in many locations, they CANNOT be placed in recycling bins because the loose bags tend to get caught in sorting machines at recycling facilities, jamming and damaging the equipment.  Learn what you can do.



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