Your building might be eligible for zero-cost Con Edison connections to natural gas conversions if it falls within one of the 12 zones in NYC that Con Edison has identified for expansion of its existing natural gas infrastructure in 2014. According to Con Edison, 95% of participants in 2013 were offered a zero-cost option.
Check now to see if your building in Manhattan or the Bronx is in the zone and take note of the deadlines. Incentives for conversions may not be available to late applicants.
Note: Con Edison delivers all natural gas within Manhattan and the Bronx but additional suppliers may be sought for commodity pricing. Great Forest is also helping clients work with local contractors who are equipped to offer low-cost project financing and on-bill financing of conversions.
Remember, clean heat is the law in NYC. Buildings are required to convert from heavy forms of heating oil to cleaner fuels. Ultra low sulfur #2 fuel oil is also a clean-burning option. When boilers convert from oil to gas, savings per BTU are estimated today at over 30% (over #4 and #6 heavy oils).