Great Forest has learned that despite recovery from historic service disruptions, efforts to switch customers to cleaner heat continue with three fast-approaching deadlines to file initial applications with Con Edison under NYC’s Clean Heat program.
The NYC Clean Heat Program is a free outreach effort from the Mayor’s Office to help your building comply with local laws requiring the elimination of #4 & #6 heavy heating oil – the dirtiest grades, which release more soot pollution than all the cars and trucks on the city’s streets combined. Currently, about 9,500 buildings in NYC use dirty heating oil from the bottom of the barrel.
Conversions from #2 (Distillate) fuel oil and from Con Ed Steam to natural gas are not currently subsidized.
Con Ed has identified 12 zones in Manhattan and the Bronx for possible expansion of their existing natural gas infrastructure. Buildings within these zones may be eligible to connect at a reduced cost for firm gas service.
Clients who are interested in taking advantage of this should note the timeline for submitting conversion requests – Dec. 14, 2012, and Jan. 11 and Feb. 8, 2013 – depending on location. Among other items the applicant should have a contractor estimate in hand for work to be performed on-site.
Great Forest has been working with clients to assess and monetize the benefits of switching to natural gas (see chart below), which include efficiency and emissions gains and cost savings. A #4 conversion to natural gas avoids over 90% of particulate matter and nearly 100% of the SO2 emissions previously released.
Actual savings will vary widely according to when the facility is connected and how much oil is typically burned in a normal winter.
Contact your Great Forest representative to learn more or to find out if your building is in a priority zone.