New York Times Reports on Great Forest Client’s Energy Tracking System

VornadoGreat Forest client Vornado Realty Trust, NYC’s biggest commercial landlord, has come up with a way to help tenants cut energy costs.
Vornado is attaching a series of small sensors to meters in 16 buildings that provide data on energy use. Vornado says in the NYT article that this “enables tenants to track how much energy their employees are using and to deal with overuse rapidly.”

The report suggests that efforts like this may spread “as the New York City Council is drafting a law that will dispatch auditors to measure large buildings’ energy use, with potential fines for landlords who fail to retrofit their systems.”

Landlords can also stay ahead of the curve by getting snapshots of their buildings’ sustainability with the Great Forest Sustainability Metrics. This online tool tracks the use of energy, waste and recycling, water and other markers of sustainability. Try it now. 

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