Great Forest is TRUE Certified to the Gold Level For Zero Waste

We are proud to announce that Great Forest. Inc. has been TRUE certified to the Gold level for our Zero Waste efforts, with a diversion rate of 91.3%! (Read the Great Forest Zero Waste Case Study)

This GBCI (Green Business Certification Inc.) certification signifies Great Forest’s continued commitment to, and leadership in, the sustainable waste field, as noted in GCBI’s 2020 year in review:

We are… thankful for the efforts of companies like Great Forest, an East Coast-based consultancy offering TRUE certification for their clients. Great Forest is walking the talk and recently registered their own headquarters located in Harlem, NY with TRUE to gain additional insight and experience to bring to their clientele. — GBCI

To date, more than 305 million + total gross square feet of space is registered or certified with TRUE. More than 160 projects across 29 states and 13 countries are using TRUE. In 2018, TRUE certified projects reported up to $6.5 million in savings and more than 446,000 tons of waste diverted from landfill!

Zero Waste is emerging as one of the few sustainable long term solutions to countering rising costs and waste. The TRUE system offers a a step-by-step playbook for achieving and demonstrating success using a systematic approach for minimizing waste.

Learn more in our Zero Waste guides below and contact our TRUE Zero Waste certified experts. See how we can help  your organization achieve TRUE Zero Waste certification.

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