
The search is on again. We encourage all eligible hotels to check for details and apply for the 2015 HANYC Sustainability Awards from the Hotel Association of New York…
Last year, Great Forest worked with the Hotel Association of New York City (HANYC) to develop and launch the very first HANYC…
We are excited about the launch of the first ever HANYC Sustainability Awards from the Hotel Association of New York City. Designed to encourage…
The deadline for the 2014 EBie Awards, which celebrate sustainability in Existing Buildings, is March 20. Do you have what it takes to bring…
Congratulations to the Paramount Group. Their building at 440 9th Avenue in NYC has been certified LEED O+M: Existing Buildings (v2008), achieving…
Great Forest has emerged as one of the top consulting firms submitting data from more than 50 client buildings as required by…
Each year, the New York Energy Consumers Council (NYECC) honors organizations and/or individuals who have demonstrated exceptional qualities of vision, innovation, and…
NYC just got a little greener with Paramount Group’s 900 Third Avenue earning the LEED certification for Existing Buildings.  Great Forest managed…

New LEED Certifications

  Great Forest is proud to announce two new LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certifications: In March, Citibank’s Operations and Technology…

Two New LEED Certifications

Two Vornado Realty properties – 330 Madison and 770 Broadway –  have achieved LEED certification for Existing Buildings, Operations and Maintenance. Great…
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