73 results found for: earth day
Sculptures, Moving Globe Displays and Other Earth Day Highlights
Did you see the earth move at one of over 40 unique Earth Day events organized by Great Forest this year? It was just our latest creation – a moving, mechanical globe display, which wowed people at two locations. We made many other big green statements with our signature, attention-getting sculptures constructed out of discarded disposable cups, plastic
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Earth Day 2011 Photos
Here is a sampling of photographs from some of Great Forest’s 30 Earth Day events this year. We filled our tables with lots of grab and go information sheets, showed videos, spoke with building tenants, conducted surveys, set up recycling displays, built a cardboard structure, set up an electric car display, and even met an
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Earth Day Report 2010
Green Buildings to the Rescue Earth Day is 40 years old. Back when it began in 1970, “green buildings” referred to their color. Today, they stand for energy efficiency, reduced waste and cost savings. But above all, green buildings can save the world! OK, maybe that claim is a little exaggerated, but the impact buildings
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WATCH Now: Earth “Action” Day Webinar. Learn How To Take Climate Action At Home
THANK YOU for joining us for our Earth Action Day webinar on April 24, 2020, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first Earth Day, and to learn how to take climate action at home, even as we quarantine to beat COVID-19. Our Earth “Action” Day webinar includes zero waste-inspired steps to climate action, insights and tips
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Holiday Waste: What Can Businesses Do to Reduce it and Move Towards Zero Waste
How much holiday waste do Americans generate each year? A reported 1 million tons of additional materials go into landfills each week between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day! That is an estimated 25 percent more trash discarded during the holiday period. The top holiday waste items, according to a 2021 survey conducted by OnePoll, are
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Earth Hour: What Can Businesses Do?
Earth Hour, which takes place in March, began as a lights out event in 2007, has grown to become an international movement encouraging individuals and businesses alike to spark conversation and action about ways to protect the planet, with events planned in hundreds of countries. Over the years, many businesses have moved beyond just turning
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Happy Holidays! See What We Accomplished, Join Us To Make An Even Bigger Difference
Did you know a portion of Great Forest’s profits support cleanup work in some of the world’s worst polluted places? We do this through the nonprofit Pure Earth, founded by Great Forest President Richard Fuller. And this year we joined the global #BeatPollution campaign to make an even bigger difference. GLOBAL MESSAGE REACHES 2 BILLION
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Did You Go Dark For Earth Hour?
This year, Earth Hour fell on a weekend! Nevertheless, we heard from clients around the country who went dark for at least an hour. The action is a great reminder, as we approach Earth Day, that we all need to renew our commitment to sustainability. The future of our communities, businesses and planet depend on it. Here
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Happy Holidays… See How You Have Helped Us Make a Difference
As we look forward to 2015…. Great Forest is a proud supporter of the nonprofit Blacksmith Institute for a Pure Earth. See how you have helped them Make A Difference.
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“Slumdog Millionaire” Actor/Activist Dev Patel Teams Up With Blacksmith To Launch Pure Earth
Actor/activist Dev Patel (Slumdog Millionaire, The Newsroom, The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel) has teamed up with our sister nonprofit Blacksmith Institute to help launch PURE EARTH, a new campaign that aims to raise awareness of the threat toxic pollution poses to poor children living in some of the world’s worst polluted places. Patel, who celebrated his birthday
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